Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It was a long, cold night in the hospital waiting on Max to arrive. My labor with Max was so different from my labor with Ellie. With Ellie, once my contractions started, they progressed very quickly...to the point that we had to run a red light on the way to the hospital at 1 am. I was expecting a similar type of labor with Max, but he had a different plan.

I started having contractions on Sunday night (Max's actual due date), but they were fairly mild and with no real pattern. So Jason went to work on Monday, and Ellie and I stayed near the house finishing up last minute tasks. In the afternoon, some of the contractions started to become a little uncomfortable, so as I tried to get Ellie to lie down for her nap I made the phone call to Jason that he should probably try to wrap up at work and head toward home. We had a scheduled doctor's appointment at 4 pm on Monday, at which my doctor told me I was 3 cm dilated and 65% effaced. We didn't really discuss scheduling an induction because she was fairly sure I would have the baby in the next day or two.

We headed home after the appointment and then the real wait began. As some of the contractions grew stronger, we phoned Jason's Aunt Pam to come and stay with Ellie since we thought we'd probably be taking a trip to the hospital that night. After putting Ellie to bed, we decided to finally go to the hospital around 10:30 pm. With my labor with Ellie, we called our parents on the way to the hospital and my parents barely had time to get there from Farmington before she was born. So we thought we'd better call them this time as well. Jason put the calls in to our parents and my sister, unfortunately Max was not an anxious to show up as Ellie was.

It was a long night for all of our family waiting around the hospital, but we were glad to have them there with us. My contractions were very strong but never became very consistent. My water had only partially broken during the night, so in the morning the doctor broke my water fully and then there was no stopping Max (I would have asked them to break my water much sooner if I knew it would speed up the labor so well). At about 10:10 am I started pushing and Max was born at 10:25 am.

We are so happy and proud to have Max join our family.

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