William Michael Freed has finally arrived. He was born on February 28, 2011 at 12:18 am. He weighed 8 pounds even and was 22 inches long.
We were very anxious for Will to arrive, so when my due date arrived (February 27), we went into "make this baby come" mode. We went to the mall and walked a ton, then we came home and walked some more.
I ended up taking some castor oil (YUCK!) in the afternoon to see if that would help me along. Then in the evening, Ellie and I had just finished showering, and as I was drying my hair I started to feel a little strange. The contractions weren't too bad at first, so we were able to put both kids to bed before we left for the hospital.
By the time we got to the hospital, my contractions were very intense and right on top of each other. I finally got my epidural, then everything was great. This was also the night that tornadoes came through the city, so we were on alert in the hospital, and my doctor was stuck in her basement with sirens going off all around. We ended up waiting about an hour for my doc to arrive at the hospital, then Will arrived about 30 seconds after she walked in the room. He would have been born on my due date if it weren't for those silly tornadoes. Everyone has joked that his nickname should be Twister.
Big sister, Ellie, and big brother, Max, are loving their new little brother. Will is healthy and doing great. We are overjoyed with the newest addition to our family! We love him to pieces already!