Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

So, we realized that we hadn't announced our newest addition on this blog, so we thought it was probably time. We're expecting baby #2 on March 22. We just had the big ultrasound and found out it will be a boy. We're very excited, and Jason will finally have some help evening out the estrogen in the house.
Ultrasounds are so amazing! He was moving around quite a bit and then started sucking his thumb (you can see it in the top picture). He was really enjoying his thumb, so much so that we could see his little tongue moving and him swallowing. So cool!!
We're talking about the baby a lot to Ellie to prepare her as much as possible. When asked where the baby is, she'll answer, "In Mommy's tummy." But we don't think she quite grasps the concept. Case in point -- Ellie likes to climb and jump on me, but we've been telling her how gentle she needs to be because of the baby in Mommy's tummy. So, she'll then go over to Jason and climb and jump on him, then stops and asks, "Daddy, you have baby in your tummy too?"
We can't wait for the little guy to arrive, and we're sure Ellie will be a great big sister. She's very excited for the baby, and will usually say she wants to name him 'Dora' whenever she's asked. We'll add it to the name list, but I don't think it stands much of a chance.


Stephanie said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys!!! And that is an awesome ultrasound picture of him sucking his thumb. So cool that you could see his tounge!

Jason, Katie, Ellie, Max and Will said...

Our ultrasound tech was very cool too. Apparently, the ultrasounds are kind of like Tivo, where it constantly records and you can pause and rewind. When the baby opened his mouth at one point, she rewound and played over and over so it looked like he was laughing.