Sunday, February 28, 2010

Science is Cool

What do you do on a winter weekend, when you've had enough of being stuck at home all the time? Head to the Science Center! Apparently though, lots of other people had the same idea, because it was rather busy that day, but we still managed to have a good time.

The kids loved working on building an arch.

Wow! What an accomplishment. What's next?

Let's build an even bigger one. Good thing we have a tall daddy to help put that final piece in.

Max had a good time digging for dinosaur bones.

Ellie and Kameron checking out the globe. Anything that makes noise and lights up is fun, whether you're 5, 3, or 6 months old.


Stephanie said...

Ross and I went a few weeks ago, and the place was packed.

Did you go through the dinosaur exhibit? Weren't the hairy ones strage?

Stephanie said...

Oops! Make that "strange."

Jason, Katie, Ellie, Max and Will said...

Yeah, the hairy ones were very strange...kind of creepy.